
If you’re looking to join a Facebook Group for grade-level information sharing, use the links below (2024-2025 school year):
Connecting Students

Elkhorn Elementary Schools have their own local version of Battle of the Books for 4th and 5th graders. This year-long club brings together students’ love of reading and competition! They create their own teams of four, and together read a total of 24 books. Teams get together monthly to discuss their novels and to test their knowledge of the details in each book. At the end of the year, students compete at the school level to see who knows their books best. The top four teams then head to a district competition to battle against teams from 2 other Elkhorn schools. The time and effort put in each month brings a sense of accomplishment and adds excitement to the competition.

Spring Ridge Cub Scouts Pack 71 is chartered by Spring Ridge Elementary PTO. Cub Scouts is for boys and girls from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Cub Scouts is all about encouraging boys and girls to make friends, be helpful to others, and do their very best no matter the outcome. With the help of powerful learning projects and exciting outdoor activities, we aim to teach children that doing their best can be a fun and rewarding experience—no matter the difficulty of the challenge.
To learn more about Cub Scouts, you can visit their website here or contact Ben Thompson, Committee Chair at 402-302-1850 (text friendly).

In Girl Scouting you’re going to have tons of fun, make new friends and go on fantastic adventures. You’re also going to do big things. Our program revolves around the Girl Scout Leadership Experience – a collection of activities and experiences you’ll ahve as you earn badges, sell cookies, go on exciting trips, explore the outdoors, create Take Action projects that make a difference and more. Focusing on developing a strong sense of self and demonstrating positive values, forming and maintaining healthy relationships, seeking challenges and learning to persevere, and identifying and solving problems we encounter.
Spring Ridge has two active troops:
Troop #48003, Led by Tami Candy
Troop #48011, Led by ?
For more information visit Girl Scouts Nebraska to learn more or to register.

Desitnation Imagination is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization whose purpose is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders. Annually, we offer seven new standards-based Challenges in STEM, Improv, Visual Arts, Service Learning and Early Learning. Teams are established within grade-levels independently, and must have a parent volunteer as the Sponsor of the group. Visit their website for more information.
Informational Flyers will be sent home in Friday folders for 4th and 5th graders early in the school year.

Each year, fourth and fifth graders have the opportunity to run for Student Council. Student Council meets once a month for 30 minutes after school. They help manage the recycling duties for the school, and take part in various discussions about school events and activities. Student Council is a great opportunity to develop leadership skills and gain mentorship.
For more information, email Mrs. Rohwer.

- green screen technology
- robotics
- coding, and
- 3D printing
Sessions run after school 3 times a year, for 2 weeks at a time.

Girls on the Run is a program for 3rd through 5th grade girls inspiring them to be joyful, healthy and confident. Girls on the Run helps girls take charge of their lives and define the future on their terms with a fun, experienced-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. Teaching girls to embrace challenges to boldly pursue their dreams. There are no limits, no constraints… only opportunities to be remarkable. To learn more about Girls on the Run, visit their website!
Flyers will be sent home in Friday Folders early in the school year with more information on joining.